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MOS torque test car
  • Product name:

    MOS torque test car

    Category: Mechanical Equipment
    Product model: MOS
Product details


1. The content of the measurement should include torque and angle; the measured data can correspond to the date, station and tool number, and can be quickly displayed on the display. The sensitivity of the reading box is 2mv/v; the reading accuracy is 0.01N.M.

2. Data analysis can be performed on the measured quantity, such as CP, CPK, CM, CMK, etc., and the printing function can be realized.

3. The measured data should be stored in the data format readable by the WINDOWS system, such as ACCESS, EXCEL, etc. The number of storage should be more than 200 groups.

4. The calibrator has a rechargeable battery and a charger. After one charge, it can work continuously for more than 8 hours. System self-test function, the sensor is automatically connected to the host through the cable to complete the calibration. The calibrator has USB, RS232 and Ethernet interfaces.

5. The complete dynamic torque calibration device has an accuracy rating of 0.5.

6. Range: The total range can cover 2Nm, 7-75Nm, 18-180Nm, 50-500Nm.

7. Sensor accuracy: torque accuracy is 0.25%, angle accuracy is ± degree; sensor has anti-interference and anti-seismic capability.

8. Equipped with a movable workbench.

  • Tel:0086-574-87834466 0086-574-87890640
  • Fax:0086-574-87890641
  • E-mail:sales@fff-motive.com
  • Website:www.fff-motive.net
  • Add:No. 999, Mingshu Road, Jiangshan, Ningbo


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